Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Sharpton Pulls the Jesse Jackson Manuever

Democratic presidential candidate Al Sharpton is making plans to meet with both the Haitian president and rebel leaders in an effort to help stem the violent unrest in the country.

Sharpton said Tuesday the Haitian consul general told him the president is willing to meet with him.

“If by the end of the day there’s no agreement between the rebels and the government, I’m definitely going,” Sharpton said in a telephone interview shortly before meeting with the consul general, Harry Fouche, at the Haitian consulate in New York.

Matt's Chat

Has he heard about his mathcing funds yet? This Jesse envy is really not very becoming, but entirely expected, from Rev. Al... I agree with Wonkette's assessment: Rev. Al, if president, would be ready to send in the Federal Reserve...

Mark's Remarks

Doesn't this guy get it? No one cares what he does....in fact, like Jesse, they wish he would just take a big helping of SHUTUP Juice and go away....they wish he would quit trying to inflame racial and class hatred and just go the way of the dodo....but Al the Media Addict cannot do that...as people leave his joke of a campaign in droves to cover the two frontrunners, he has to find another way....I GOT IT!!!! HAITI!!!! And if no one listens to me, thinks Rev. Al, then I can claim it is because I am a black man and they are a predominantly black country! Wow, I can pander to those who want to inflame racial hatred some more!!! Yay! More media coverage of me, Rev. Al.

Geez, what a friggin moron.