Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Yesterday's Press Briefing: Rumors in the Press

From the White House transcript:

MR. McCLELLAN: Go ahead, Helen.

Q I want to revisit a question I asked you last week and you didn't have the answer -- you may have it now. Did the President ever do community service while he was in the National Guard?

MR. McCLELLAN: Helen, you had said that this was relating to a rumor that you heard, and I think there's a difference between rumor-mongering and journalism. And so I'm just not going to dignify those kind of rumors from this podium. I think the records have been released and you have -- all the information is available to you publicly.

Q So you don't really know?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I said this was relating to some trashy rumors that are circulating out there, and I'm just not going to dignify them from this podium.

Matt's Chat

Now Scotty has to run down their RUMORS too? For the love of... This stuff has got to stop...

Here is a funny moment though:

Q Two questions, please. The Democratic candidates for the nomination have stopped attacking themselves and have been attacking --

MR. McCLELLAN: People are attacking themselves? (Laughter.)

Q It's a jungle out there --

MR. McCLELLAN: I wish you would attack yourselves instead of me. (Laughter.)

Q We love ourselves.

Scotty should have said, "No kidding!"

Mark's Remarks

Helen, is the rumor true that you were Methusalah's grandmother? Geez, the gall of these people! There is no freakin story here. It is all getting tiresome, and it denigrates the service of Guardspeople during the Vietnam War, as well as the records of Reservists.

This President has done everything short of getting a frickin time machine and whisking these idiotic press lap dogs of Terry McAullife back to the 1970s to see him in uniform, and I doubt that would be enough for them.

It is sad that there is no even presumption of objectivity anymore. It has turned into a full out assault on the President, merely because this is the only thing they have. It shows the depths of their own insecurity and lack of vision when all they have is mudslinging......and the press goes with it, because they want another skirt chasing president to make daily headlines with his duplicity and stupidity again. They want a President who lets anything go, who buys into the whole humanist/socialist agenda. And that, friends, is just sad.