Monday, March 01, 2004

Aristide: "I Was Abducted" (?!)

From My Way News (AP):
Rep. Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California, and Randall Robinson, the former head of the black lobbying group TransAfrica, told the "Democracy Now!" U.S. public radio program that Aristide called them from the Central African Republic, where he is in temporary exile.

"He was taken by force from his residence in the middle of the night, forced on to a plane, and taken away without being told where he was going. He was kidnapped. There's no question about it," Robinson said. "The president asked me to tell the world that it is a coup, that they have been kidnapped. That they have been abducted."

"He did not resign. He said he was forced out," Waters told "Democracy Now!." "He said it over and over again, that he was kidnapped, that the coup was completed by the Americans, that they forced him out."

But Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat and like Waters a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, said after talking by telephone with Aristide that interpreting his allegations of "kidnapping" was "subjective."

Matt's Chat

WTF?!?!?!?! Who are these people kidding? I don't believe this guy either...

Mark's Remarks

Ahhh....don't you just love liberal/socialist CYA? These folks are miserable. They have been consistently wrongheaded in policy, especially the socialist loving Ms. Watters. Then you have Chuck the poor Man's Al Sharpton Rangel. These folks were the ones who propped up Aristide and practically forced Clinton to support him and restore him to power. These are the folks who then turned a blind eye to the thuggishness, the stealing, that this man did. They turned a blind eye to the rigged elections when he ran again. As he descended further into dictatorial madness, where were these Black Caucus/TransAfrica members who promised that Aristide would be a voice of democracy? Did they tell him and take him to task? Nope...they forgot the issue because they could not fan the flames of racial hatred anymore.

Now, since their chosen one got the boot, they have to blame America first. That is all these types do. Instead of blaming this administration for the catastrophe, why don't they look to their own lack of policing Mr. Aristide and their own lack of forbearance in keeping him on track. But wait, these are liberals, and they can never take responsibility for their own problems!!!!