Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Memogate Update

From The Hill.com:
The Senate sergeant at arms’ final report on whether Republican aides hacked into Democratic Judiciary Committee files has been delayed as a former committee aide stepped forward with new information that seems to undercut Democratic claims that a criminal investigation was warranted.

Matt's Chat

Much ado about nothing. Now, let's hear some more about the CONTENT of those memos, shall we?

Mark's Remarks

Of course, that will not happen. It will be swept under the rug, and the American people will not hear about how segments of their elected representatives sought to politicize matters of national security and intelligence, things which are vital to our safety, all for the sake of elections. This disgraceful behavior needs to be investigated, and it needs to be shown to the public. Instead of worrying where Bush's teeth were, we should be investigating the vile narcissism and blatant lack of concern for American interests by the Democrats in the Senate. These people are the worst sorts of political animals, uncaring about issues, only caring about their own power and influence. Shameful, and they should all be censured, and their states should vote them out!