Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Civil Rights Group Wants Apology

...from John "Effing" Kerry

From Yahoo News:
The head of a civil rights and legal services advocacy group wants Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry to apologize for saying he wouldn't be upset if he could be known as the second black president.

"John Kerry is not a black man — he is a privileged white man who has no idea what it is in this country to be a poor white in this country, let alone a black man," said Paula Diane Harris, founder of the Andrew Young National Center for Social Change.

Last week, Kerry told the American Urban Radio Network: "President Clinton was often known as the first black president. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second."

Matt's Chat

Here is the money shot though:
Kerry's spokesman Chad Clanton said: "This was intended as a light-natured remark about President Clinton's strong legacy with African Americans. It is a legacy that John Kerry would like to build upon if elected president. John Kerry has a record of fighting for civil rights and as president he will continue this fight."
See? It was a joke! You people need to get a sense of humor. Come on back to the Democrat Plantation (tm) and everything will be okay.

This is what they are really like. I am surprised that anybody in the African-American community (except for those "conservative sell-outs", of course) is calling Kerry on this. But there is hope:
Harris also criticized civil rights leaders who "sit back and ignore these types of comments, a practice that further insults African Americans."

"It seems that all these leaders care about is their personal agendas in how a 'John Kerry' will keep up their personal causes," she said.

Mark's Remarks

Wow, it must be time to pander again, because the blacks on the Democratic plantation are getting angry. Maybe it is time to name Al Sharpton as VP or something. Or maybe, as has been reported in surveys, more blacks are seeing the Democratic party for the pacifying, holding back group that it is. They (the Dimocan'ts) have continued to promise and promise, throwing money at problems that only get worse. And for John Kerry to joke about wanting to be a black president. I found Clinton claiming that title and have it given to him by some black leaders to be a grave insult to the black community. It is like the Dims want them to connect with these white men so they can never have a black candidate. By saying a white man is black, then the Dims need never nominate a black man. See how their plantation mentality works. Continue to disparage but promise, and see how the sheep line up.

But, of course, if you don't understand it is a joke, you have no clue. Don't you know, Dims are allowed to joke about minorities and issues, like Shrillary and Ghandi, and now Kerry and being black. IT is about time that minorities realize the real racist atttudes the Democrats have. They are the ones who want you to stay and be dependent on the white man, on welfare. They are the ones who continue to promise but never deliver. Look at their record. What have the really done? Squat. During the Clinton administration, black on black violence went through the roof, AIDS and drug use went through the roof, and what did he do? Simply say, well, I got a black Surgeon General, and I will try to help further. The Dims are just panderers, and it is about time more people who have been duped realize it.