Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Here's the Latest...

From Yahoo News:
Bush accused Kerry on Monday of pushing "deeply irresponsible" cuts in intelligence and was in turn assailed by the Democratic challenger for making "bad rush decisions" that kill people.
Notice how Senator Flip-Flop is not being specific. Which "bad rush decisions" are we talking about here, John? Are we talking about the Iraq war? If so, you had the exact same intelligence that the President did and you came to the same conclusion. Senator Kerry voted FOR the war with Iraq.
"My opponent clearly has strong beliefs -- they just don't last very long," the Republican president told a rowdy crowd of supporters at a Dallas luncheon that netted some 1.5 million dollars for his reelection campaign.

Bush cited a 1995 bill Kerry proposed that would have cut intelligence funding by 1.5 billion dollars over five years. "His bill was so deeply irresponsible that he didn't have a single co-sponsor," the president said.

"Once again, Senator Kerry is trying to have it both ways. He's for good intelligence, yet he was willing to gut the intelligence services. And that is no way to lead a nation in a time of war," said Bush.
No matter how hard the junior senator from Taxachusetts tries to make this campaign about Vietnam; the reality is that if John Kerry had his way, our intelligence programs would be weakened. The President is right to call him on it.
Kerry hit back at what he called Bush's "reckless" foreign policies and unilateral move to invade Iraq. But he took particular exception to remarks he attributed to Vice President Dick Cheney that questioned his decisiveness and added "indecision kills."

"Let me tell you something Mr. Cheney and let me tell you Mr. Bush: Bad rush decisions kill too," Kerry told an evening rally in Tampa, Florida. "And not giving American citizens health care kills too."

"Going backwards on clean air and clean water kills too," he continued. "And not doing anything about AIDS in Africa for three and a half years ... kills people too."
What's so reckless about protecting American interests? That is the prime duty of the President? Oh, you mean taking unilateral action with 30+ other countries? Well, no matter how hard the junior senator from Taxachusetts tries to belittle our allies, the President did indeed put together a coalition of nations willing to do what was right. It isn't the President's fault that France, Russia, Germany, and the United Nations were either being paid off by Saddam or covering their own embarrassment.

This President managed to get passed a MAJOR entitlement program for seniors in the healthcare area, Mr. Senator. What has the Party of Love (tm) done in healthcare? Answer: blank, diddly squat, goose egg, insignificancy, naught, nil, nothing, nothingness, nought, nullity, squat, zero, zilch, zip, zippo, zot. You bring this up because you've lost an issue that you can hold America hostage with for votes. Americans are seeing the plantation mentality that the Disciples of Doom (tm) have and they are realizing that so long as you need their vote, you'll never actually do anything about the issue. This President is doing a LOT for healthcare, what's your plan?

Our air and water is cleaner than it has been in DECADES. And again, this really isn't about what this President has done, but rather that he had the nerve to tell the truth: Kyoto was a bad treaty that even your fellow Senators voted down. Kyoto was President Clinton's failure, not President Bush's. Got it?

I thought liberals loved throwing money at problems like AIDS. President Bush has spent over $15 billion on AIDS in Africa. What's your PLAN, Mr. Kerry, to solve the AIDS crisis? Empty rhetoric isn't going to get Americans back on to your plantation. The President has a plan. Do you?
Kerry also criticized Bush's decision to spend just one hour before a congressional commission created to investigate intelligence failures before the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Noting that Bush campaigned Monday at a rodeo and livestock show in Texas, Kerry said: "I want to know why this president has the time to go to a rodeo but doesn't have more than one hour to spend before the commission."
That's a fair question. Here's the answer: according to the chair of the committee, the White House (which includes the President) has provided unprecedented cooperation with their investigation. The staff has been made available for the committee. Documents have been made available to the committee. As you well know, Senator, the committee agreed to spend one hour with the President. They don't seem to have a problem with that, so why do you?

This is Matt Hurley, and I approve this message.

Mark Weighs In

I agree with everything Matt has said. Don't you just love how Bush gets specific and focuses on the issues, and does not try to villify Kerry as evil, something Kerry and his bride have done? Mr. Kerry, as Matt pointed out, then goes into a droning, almost Vietnam protest like smear against Bush, saying he is a killer. Wow, great positive campaigning there, Johnny Boy! It is a shame that Bill Clinton never gave a damn about national security, and neither did you. It is a shame that your party was so beholden to the special interests (you know, the ones whose money you wallow in while claiming to show them the door) that your medicare reforms and such never worked and were terrible policy. It is a shame that you care more for the opinions of other countries than you do about Americans (you know, when you said other nations were pulling for you to win...gee, I guess you love that North Korean endorsement, right Johnny?). You are a scumbag, Mr. Kerry, just like your party's messiah, Bill Clinton. You are nothing more than a pandering spineless golem of a hamster, and that means you are bad for America.