Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Dr. Kay's ISG Findings Questioned

From The American Thinker:
Before Dr. Kay’s arrival, the ISG, and its predecessor in the search, the75th Exploitation Team, were supposedly operating off a list of locations to search for WMD. Presumably, this list was developed based upon pre-war intelligence assessments. However, many of the US intelligence analysts who had been working on Iraq’s WMD, and knowledgeable UNSCOM personnel who had conducted United Nations searches for WMD, were not initially present on the ground in Iraq.

When Dr. Kay arrived, he shifted the focus from the list of sites to interrogating scientists; not just certain scientists based upon a focused plan, but any and all scientists, as the developing trail would lead. It was apparent that the ISG was largely conducting a massive collection exercise without an operational search scheme to guide it.
Emphasis is ours, as usual.

Hat tip to PowerLine for the link.

Matt's Chat

Hmm... I genuinely believe Dr. Kay and what he had to say, but I have had this sneaking suspicion that there were things that he wasn't willing to admit he didn't know.

When Kay gave his preliminary report testimony to Congress, he had indicated that there were a significant number of sites that the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) had not inspected. Yet, he was making statements that didn't seem to make sense given that he hadn't checked out most of the sites we knew about. I also recall Dr. Kay later saying that a significant number of military resources at his disposal were redirected to military operations. At the time, it seemed apparent that the forces were needed elsewhere; I question if the truth wasn't closer to the idea that Kay's group didn't have a plan to search for the weapons therefore the troops were reassigned so they would be making a more positive contribution to the efforts in Iraq. (Now that isn't to say that I think the ISG wasn't/isn't making a positive contribution, but rather that without a PLAN, the troops weren'necessarilyly making as much of a contribution as they could elsewhere.)

The article is a scathing look at ISG and Kay's leadership. Read the whole thing.

Mark's Remarks

Now, why aren't we hearing about this?!? Why aren't we hearing that IN TRUTH this survey is nowhere near done? Why aren't we hearing that Dr. Kay turned this into a collection exercise instead of searching? It is not politically expedient to the Dimcan'ts, so their willing cohorts in the media sit on this part of the story.

Ladies and gentlemen, don't believe the Unimportant Nobodies at the UN. Do not believe the flip flopping Senators. The world knew there were WMDs there. Dr. Kay has misled, either intentionally or simply unintentionally, about the composure and completeness of his search. Instead of all this political posturing, we should redouble our efforts. Hopefully, soon enough, we will find some and then we will see the serious CYA of the Dimocan'ts and their cohorts in the media. Shameful behavior, twisting and bending partial conclusions merely to win an election, even as our soldiers are over there with their lives on the line.