Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Zarqawi's "Religion of Peace" (tm) Strikes Again

From My Way News (AP):
Simultaneous explosions ripped through crowds of worshippers Tuesday at Shiite Muslim shrines in Baghdad and the holy city of Karbala, killing at least 125. It was the bloodiest day since the end of major fighting.

The blasts in Iraq during the Shiite festival of Ashoura coincided with a shooting attack on Shiite worshippers in Quetta, Pakistan, that killed at least 29 people and wounded more than 150. The shootings touched off rioting in the city.

The blasts in Karbala killed 50 to 60 people, said Adel Abdel-Mahdi, a senior member of a Shiite political party represented on the U.S.-appointed Governing Council.

The nearly simultaneous bombings at Baghdad's Kazimiya shrine killed at least 75 people, he said. Hundreds were wounded in both cities.

The attacks sparked a wave of Shiite outrage - much of it directed at U.S. troops in the Iraqi capital. American soldiers who arrived at Kazimiya were attacked by angry crowds throwing stones and garbage, injuring two Americans.

U.S. intelligence officials have long been concerned about the possibility of militant attacks during Ashoura. Last month, U.S. officials released what they said was a letter by Jordanian militant Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi outlining a strategy of spectacular attacks on Shiites, aimed at sparking a Sunni-Shiite civil war.

The Iraqi Governing Council condemned the "evil and terrorism that targets Iraqi unity and seeks to enflame divisions among the people" in a statement read by a grim-faced Adnan Pachachi, a Sunni Muslim on the council.

Matt's Chat

Let the hand-wringing begin from the Party of Love and their Disciples of Doom...

Here is the reality of the situation: we can't protect what is deemed too holy for us to protect. The few Iraqis that will blame the Americans really just can't believe what we've known all along...militant Islamists don't care if they attack fellows Muslims, even on a holy day at a holy place. Militants will say that the victims of this act of terror weren't Muslim "enough."

Mark's Remarks

I hope this terrible and heinous attack would begin to tell the Muslim world what these animals are really all about. They do not care about Allah or religion, it is all about their own megalomaniacal quest for power, etc. They do not care about the common religious people of Iraq, or of Islam en total. They only care about their own ends, and do not care who they kill. Between this terrible attack and the recent apprehending of Palestinian children under 13 who were trained by some of the terrorists in Gaza.

I hope more people see these scum for the refuse they really are. I am heartened by the report I saw on Fox News, where they interviewed the family of one of these children brainwashed by cohorts of Arafat. They were disgusted. More in the Islamic world need to realize that terrorism is not the answer. They need to realize that people like Arafat and bin Laden only care about themselves and power, not the people they claim to be fighting for. Otherwise, why desecrate a mosque, when bin Laden is supposedly a devout Muslim? The answer: he doesnt care about Islam any more than Hitler cared about Christianity, or the Pharisees and Sadduces cared about Judaism. Those examples of the past, and Arafat and bin Laden of today are only concerned about the maintenance of their own power bases and trying to control everyone.