Monday, March 01, 2004

"Economy and Jobs" by Mark Makes the Carnival

From Blogs for Bush:
Weapons of Mass Discussion Refutes the "jobless recovery" meme that Democrats are invoking every chance they get.

Matt's Chat

Congrats Mark! Folks, go read it if you haven't.

Plenty of other great great reads on the list at the Carnival of Bush Bloggers. Check 'em all out!

Mark's Remarks

I am deeply honored, and I want to thank Matt for submitting my article. He was key in helping me put it together, and I am thankful that we can help the Bush team.

But, we really shouldn't publicize this, Matt. We could be accused of patting ourselves on the back too much, but that would not be near as heinous as hijacking ideas and making up different personalities to publish on a liberal blog, and then say how original our look is even as it is plainly obvious AND CAN BE DOCUMENTED where you stole ideas from. But, that is the liberal way, I tell vision, just stealing and sucking oxygen.

But I say, Wow, this is cool!!!!! Thanks Blogs for Bush!