Monday, March 01, 2004

Iraqis OK Interim Constitution

From Yahoo News:
Iraqi politicians agreed on the draft of an interim constitution early Monday, reaching a compromise on the role of Islam and putting off the details of Kurdish autonomy, an Iraqi official said. The charter will likely be signed Wednesday.

Members of the Iraqi Governing Council, with U.S. administrators mediating, ended a second late night of negotiations at 4:20 a.m. with "full agreement ... on each article," said Entifadh Qanbar, spokesman for Shiite Muslim council member Ahmad Chalabi.

The interim charter, officially the Transitional Administrative Law, will remain in effect until a permanent constitution is drafted and ratified next year. It underlines that the rights of all Iraqi citizens will be respected and sets aside for women 25 percent of the seats in the provisional legislature, Qanbar said.

According to Qanbar, the interim constitution charter will recognize Islam as a major source of legislation and ban any laws which violate the tenets of the Muslim faith. U.S. officials and secular-minded members got their way with the phrase "a source" — out of many sources — but the ban on laws that violate Islam was aimed at pleasing conservatives.

Matt's Chat

This is a VERY good sign as it was looking more and more as if there were going to be problems transitioning from CPA to an Iraqi interim government. We wouldn't want any hamsters out there thinking that this was a US plot for oil or imperialism... HALLIBURTON! Just's Monday morning...

Mark's Remarks

But Mrs. Clinton wanted a policy added that you could get credits for education and have a profession if you agreed to be subject to rape!

This interim constitution is a good first step, and unlike the previous regime, does not denigrate women, but instead gives them solid seating at the table of government. Of course, Hillary wanted a prerequisite that they be willing to be raped added, since she thinks Saddam's Iraq was better for women.

This is a great first step, and I welcome the Iraqi people to the pantheon of freedom loving people. I wish the government there best success and hope they can accomplish their goals and overcome problems without bloodshed and misery.