Friday, March 05, 2004

MAJOR Endorsement for John Kerry: North Korea

From the Financial Times:
North Korea's state-controlled media are well known for reverential reporting about Kim Jong-il, the country's dictatorial leader.

But the Dear Leader is not the only one getting deferential treatment from the communist state's propaganda machine: John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic candidate, is also getting good play in Pyongyang.

In the past few weeks, speeches by the Massachusetts senator have been broadcast on Radio Pyongyang and reported in glowing terms by the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), the official mouthpiece of Mr Kim's communist regime.

The apparent enthusiasm for Mr Kerry may reflect little more than a "better the devil you don't know" mentality among the North Korean apparatchiks. Rather than dealing with President George W. Bush and hawkish officials in his administration, Pyongyang seems to hope victory for the Democratic candidate on November 2 would lead to a softening in US policy towards the country's nuclear weapons programme.

Matt's Chat

Ahh, the age old question: who would the terrorists and despots want to win this one? The answer seems clear to me. And the American people are starting to realize it too...

Mark's Remarks

See, our enemies know Kerry is a worthless appeaser. They want him to win, so they can do what they were doing under Clinton....signing meaningless treaties and violating them with no repercussion. They want a US President weak on foreign policy and defense, so they can go on engaging in abuses of international law and treaty.

I wonder how long it will be before Kerry starts visiting Buddhist temples and collecting thousands of dollars? I wonder if some of his donors are fronts for North Korea or the Red Chinese? If any are, he is following the same playbook as Bill and Al. Remember, it was the Dimocan'ts who authorized the sale of missile and defense tech to China, and by proxy, to North Korea. Remember, it was Madeline Albright, CLINTON'S SecState, who engaged in a joygasmic lovefest with Kim Jong Il where they linked arms for toasts and smiled and laughed together. This is a man responsible for a murderous regime which has killed Americans and her allies, the South Koreans. It is a regime bent on destroying our allies, South Korea, and has eyes on Asian Hegemony with their friends the Communist Chinese. Do not let the non-vigilant, clueless party of appeasement to be in command of our forces.

If this does not tell you that Kerry is bad for America, then you are either a Kool Aid drinking hamster, or you are just plain stupid. If you are the former, you are automatically the latter.