Wednesday, March 10, 2004

More Positive Campaigning

From Yahoo News:
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Wednesday called for deeper tax cuts for the middle class than proposed by President Bush and described his Republican critics as "the most crooked ... lying group I've ever seen."

Matt's Chat

MAN! These guys need to seek professional help. If they keep all this projection up, nobody is going to believe them at all. And that is too bad, because opposition parties are neccessary to keep people honest.

Mr. Kerry, you need to look in the mirror.

Here is the TRUTH:
The Bush-Cheney campaign answered back, saying, "At every turn, John Kerry has claimed to be the victim of an imaginary smear machine. John Kerry has run a relentlessly negative campaign from the very beginning and this comment is completely consistent with that."
Keep on crying "wolf" Senator...whatever happened to "bring it on?"

Mark's Remarks

Of course, the liberal idealogues in the media do not print or say the full text of the statement calling the smear machine against Kerry imaginary. Nor do they acknowledge Kerry's blatantly dirty campaigning. What a shame.

Mr. Kerry, you are such a crying little witch baby. "wah, Bush is actually holding me to my record...wah!!!! Bush is actually trying to run on his accomplishments!!! Wah!!! Don't you know who I am? Wah!!! People should not be allowed to say anything bad about me...wah!!!!" Grow up, Mr. Kerry. Your record is replete with moralless flipflops and pandering, and your behavior and views about your testimony before Congress (most of the charges you cite via the Winter Soldier Campaign have been proven false, by the way) is reprehensible, and your very attitude of playing the victim is shameful. You sir, are an assclown. Nuff said.

I am Mark Garbett and I approve of this message.