Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Bush Visits Ohio, Hit Hard by Job Losses

From My Way News (AP):
For the 15th time as president, George W. Bush on Wednesday visits Ohio, where unemployment is stuck at 6.2 percent and where nearly 200,000 jobs were lost during the recession from 2001 through last March - nearly two-thirds in manufacturing. The national unemployment rate for February was 5.6 percent.

While the economy is a central issue in the presidential campaign, Bush's trip was described as an official visit, meaning taxpayers are picking up the costs.

Bush was giving a speech on Americans' anxiety about jobs going overseas. And he was making a fresh push for his economic policies, criticized for months by the Democratic presidential contenders.

That criticism reached its crescendo in Ohio last week, when the state held its presidential primary, won by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., the presumptive nominee.

Kerry criticized Bush's economic policies Wednesday, telling an AFL-CIO meeting that "George Bush will fight like hell to keep his own job, but he won't lift a finger to help Americans keep theirs."

"George Bush thinks exporting our jobs is good economic policy. I believe we need to create and keep good jobs here and export goods," Kerry said. "Rain or shine, surplus or deficit, George Bush's economic prescription begins and ends with tax giveaways for those with special pull and special influence."

Matt's Chat

Ohio has been hit hard with job losses and yes a Republican is responsible. But that Republican is NOT George W. Bush. It is Gov. Bob "Tax" Taft. Had the governor followed the President's lead and made Ohio a viable place to do business by reducing the tax burden rather than increasing it, perhaps a good deal of those jobs would still be here.

That's right, folks, you heard it here first, a Republican IS responsible for job losses in Ohio. Don't blame President Bush for that though, RINOs are going to be is what they do.

Mark's Remarks

Right, Matt!!! It is Bob Tax's bungling RINO ways that have gotten Ohio into a mess. Looking at statistics, 33 of the 50 states have unemployment numbers below the national average of 5.6%. 23 of those have rates below 5 percent, and 6 have rates below 4 percent. What do these states have that Ohio and New York do not? They have less taxation and oppressive regulation. Ohio and other states have been handicapped by administrations on the state level that continue to come up with creative and more intrusive tax measures, even as the tax base dwindles because of such oppressive taxes. Florida is booming in jobs, why? Little to no income tax! Yes, the starting salaries are lower than New York, but New York Salaries factor in the taxes, so while the gross is higher, the take home is the same!!!! States like Ohio and New York, instead of following the President's lead, instead chose to raise taxes and increase regulation and social programming, and the cost has been jobs!

The state governments need to assume much of the responsibility for the declining job market, not all of it (in fact, little if any) is Bush's fault.

Now, to you Mr. Kerry: You continue to talk a good game about jobs going overseas, but as usual, you liberals look for easy answers and don't think of the consequences. We have over 6 MILLION AMERICAN WORKERS EMPLOYED BY FOREIGN COMPANIES. Do you think those companies will be altruistic when you increase tariffs and engage in hurtful 'protectionist' policies? If you do, you are even more of an appeasing moron than I thought. Also, you talk about all these 'benedict arnold' CEOs, yet you are married to one of the biggest!!! Where is your punishment for Teresa, eh? Why don't you demand she bring those 57 factories back to the US? Oh, wait, it benefits your family, so you won't!!!! Great vision, there, MORON!!!! Mr. Kerry, you play on the people's fears with your class warfare rhetoric and your misrepresentation of the intricacies of the economy. Your policies would be deadly to the economy, and more unemployment would happen. Of course, your union buddies are jumping in with you because protectionism plays into their hands. They are ticked because membership is they want you to scare the hell out of people and to let workers lose jobs, so they sign on with unions in spates of protectionist madness. You sir, are a pandering disgrace, and you are typical of liberals who go for easy pandering solutions and do not think about the long term effects, just like your Messiah Bill Clinton only looked for foreign policy photo ops like North Korea WITHOUT THINKING OR CARING that he was basically giving them more ways to build nukes.