Thursday, March 04, 2004

Mort Says: Dems are Smear Kings

From Real Clear Politics
It's conventional wisdom now that this may be one of the nastiest presidential campaigns ever. But those keeping score should observe that, right now, the muddy epithets thrown at President Bush outweigh those thrown at Democrats by tons.

That's not the way things are being reported, though. The media seem to be uncritically accepting the Democratic charge that any criticism of Sen. John Kerry's (Mass.) public record is "sliming" or "smearing."

But for months now, Democrats have accused Bush of being a "liar" who "misled" or "deceived" the nation into the Iraq war; a "usurper" who "stole" the 2000 election in Florida; "a right-wing extremist" on tax, social and foreign policy; and a "menace to the nation's basic liberties," owing to his employment of Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Former Vice President Al Gore said Bush had "betrayed" the country in Iraq. No major Democrat said afterward that Gore had gone too far.

Mark's Remarks

I am not a big fan of Mort's, but he is right on. The Dims are all over the place on ruthlessly attacking this President, with outlandish charges of lack of patriotism, charges of targetting civilians, and charges of other more odd things. This President has not attacked anyone's patriotism, but the Democrats do it all the time to this President. Mort offers this money shot:

Former Vice President Al Gore said Bush had "betrayed" the country in Iraq. No major Democrat said afterward that Gore had gone too far.

Democrats claim that Republicans either have questioned or will question their patriotism in this campaign, but actually the only accusations of lacking patriotism have come from Democrats.

Sen. Bob Graham (Fla.), when he was a candidate, said that Bush's Iraq policy was "anti-patriotic at the core." Last September, Kerry said that Bush "lives out a creed of greed for he and his friends" and that it was "unpatriotic" for Bush's "friends" (i.e., corporate executives) to move jobs offshore. It was a regular staple of retired Gen. Wesley Clark's campaign to say that Bush's policies were "not patriotic."

Howard Dean, when he was a candidate, charged that Ashcroft "is no patriot. He's a direct descendant of Joseph McCarthy."

And, the libs and Dims are ridiculous in claiming that Bush is attacking Kerry's military service when he raises issues about Kerry's history IN CONGRESS....NOT IN VIETNAM (THOUGH I THINK THAT SHOULD BE OPENED UP, BUT KERRY HAS SEALED HIS RECORDS). Mort talks about how Conservatives and Republicans are going out of their way to acknowledge his service.

The libs are the true kings of smears, and Mort is not afraid to say so. The libs are not afraid to smear ridiculous charges, but honestly ask about their records, and they hurl nothing but epithets and smear all over you...Disgraceful and unacceptable behavior from spoiled brats who are coddled by the media. Simply disgraceful.

This smearing and projection of smearing by liberals shows they have ideas, no vision, no hope....they only have hatred and idiocy.....Don't be sucked in.....