Friday, March 05, 2004

Dems: We Demand An Investigation...Again...

From the Washington Post:
Several Democrats called for the appointment of a special counsel to look into possible violations of federal law. "It is my view and the view of a few others that the only way to get to the bottom of this is a special counsel with full investigative powers," Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. The Judiciary Committee plans to meet next week to decide what, if any, further steps to take.

Democrats noted that Pickle does not have subpoena powers and said further investigation is needed into whether other people were involved, including White House and Justice Department officials and judicial nominees.

In remarks before the release of the report, both at a committee meeting and a news conference, Hatch and Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), the panel's ranking Democrat, praised the report and condemned the two aides' actions.

"Regardless of whether any criminal law was broken, the improper access was wrong and unjustifiable," Hatch said. "It will go down as a sad chapter in the Senate."

Matt's Chat

I agree, we need an investigation if only to finally get the CONTENT of those memos out there and discussed. Democrats need to be exposed for being the Party of Love (tm) and the Disciples of Doom (tm) that they really are.

What Chuck the Schmuck really wants is to attempt another futile "investigation" of the White House. As if the President needed memos to know the Democrats are playing games with judicial nominees. Hey Chuck...your black helicopter awaits you...

Mark's Remarks

Yes, it is the age old Dimcan't ploy...deflect blame and try to rename the issue...instead of looking at the Dims vile politicizing of issues of the Intel and the judicial nominees, instead let's look toward trying to blame the White House. It is typical. And it is sad if the American people believe the moron Chuck the Schmuck. He is a vile politician, and he is an even worse Senator. He is part of the virus that is eating away at our institutions. I think it is about time we cut those tumorous Dimocan'ts from the Senate, starting this fall with Tom Dasshole.

As to this issue, there are two issues. One involves the alleged hacking of files. The far more insidious issue, however, is the one of how the Vile Dimcan'ts want to politicize and freeze every decision to make Bush look bad. So, instead of putting the interests of justice and the country first, they put the interests of party first. Disgraceful, and a close cousin to treason, if you ask me, and Zell Miller.