Monday, March 08, 2004

MoveOn Can't Get Facts Straight

The latest TV ad from the Voter Fund says "George Bush wants to eliminate overtime pay for 8 million workers," referring to new overtime rules that the Department of Labor has proposed. The 8-million figure (hotly denied by the Bush administration, of course) comes from a study by the labor-funded Economic Policy Institute.

The ad misquotes the study, however. What the study actually says is that an estimated 8 million would lose the legal right to premium overtime rates should they work more than 40 hours per week. It does not say they would actually lose pay as the ad says. In fact, the 8-million figure is inflated by many part-time workers who never get overtime work, or overtime pay, even though they now have the right to it.

Matt's Chat is becoming one of my favorite places to go to find the Truth. They are bipartisan and take issue with both sides of the aisle when they play loose with the facts as MoveOn has the tendency to do.

It is a great article and I encourage everybody to go check it out so you can scream at the TV like I do...

Mark's Remarks is a joke. They claim they are nonpartisan, but how can you be nonpartisan if all your site does is bash Republicans? They are a disgrace, and they are the ones who are helping to bring the level of discourse to below the third grade level. They consistently smear without even a shred of proof, and they prove they are graduates of the Clinton Liars School by misdirection and misquoting.

This whole overtime thing is just the latest in the crap that overflows from the morons at 'just can't seem to'