Sunday, March 07, 2004

An Open Letter to America

From Newsday:
More than a dozen families who lost relatives in the Sept. 11 attacks released a letter Saturday declaring their support for President Bush and his use of images of the destroyed World Trade Center in campaign ads.

"There is no better testament to the leadership of President Bush than Sept. 11," the letter states. "In choosing our next leader we must not forget that day if we are to have a meaningful conversation."

The "Open Letter to America," signed by 22 people who lost loved ones in the trade center, comes as other victims' families asked that the ads be pulled from the airwaves. The spots also show firefighters carrying a flag-draped stretcher.

"In the November election we will have a clear choice laid before the American people," the letter reads. "President Bush is rightly offering us that choice and the images of Sept. 11, although painful, are fundamental to that choice. The images in President Bush's campaign television ads are respectful of the memories of Sept. 11."
Emphasis is ours, per usual.

Matt's Chat

9/11 is going to have a major impact on this election no matter what the Party of Love and their Disciples of Doom (tm) do to try to make it about Vietnam (John Kerry was a war hero in Vietnam). America needs to be reminded of that day and how that day shaped each day after it. Using 9/11 footage for 6% of a thirty-second ad is entirely within reason. If the campaign chose to claim responsibility for the actions taken by all Americans (that being summoning of courage and conviction to heal the wound) rather than illustrating the leadership and vision of the President; then I would agree the ad was in bad taste. But that ISN'T what the ad was about, nor did it portray a judgement.

Notice, my friends, that when the Party of Love and/or their Disciples of Doom (tm) are unable to run on the issues and engage in honest debate, they resort to lies, deceit, and name-calling. They are quick to pull the trigger on the gun of victimhood when they perceive they are about to lose. My analysis of the "furor" over the 9/11 footage is that the Democrats are unable to reconcile their behavior with the American people.

As Mark Noonan would say: it is another good day to be alive, American, and Republican. This is Matt Hurley and I approve this message.

Mark's Remarks

My friends, 9/11 changed America. It showed us we are vulnerable to attack. It changed our President and the way he does things. He showed tremendous leadership and went after the animals who did this to us. He should be allowed to remind us of his accomplishments.

It quite frankly disgusts me that Dimcan't operatives went out and found some families and convinced them to speak out against this commercial. It disgusts me that some families were reduced to simply mouthing talking points straight from Terry McAwful. This is politicizing tragedy in its worst form. President Bush showed a few images for a second or two. The Left is trying to wipe 9/11 out of our minds, BECAUSE IT WAS THEIR FAILURE. The results of viewing terrorism as a law enforcement matter, of appeasing terrorists and ignoring what they were doing, it all came home to roost. And the liberals don't want us to look back and remember that day. As they were formulating statements and engaging in what now can be called false bipartisanship, this President was out surveying the damage and speaking to the victims. He visited Ground Zero and gave support to the recovery workers. He showed tremendous leadership.

The left does not want you to remember 9/11. They try to tell families that classic psychobabble line of "out of sight, out of mind" and say the President is trying to dredge up their pain. Excuse the language, but that is the biggest pile of Bullshit I have ever heard. The liberals are playing on sympathies for families of 9/11, they do not really care. They are using them. If they really cared, why is it that Shrillary was so roundly booed after the tragedy. You see, back then, people understood and knew about their duplicity. With time, we can forget these things, and that is exactly what the liberals want us to do. Do not let them try to whitewash 9/11, do not let them try to take it off the table. It was a defining moment in America, and some of us learned some valuable lessons. It is a shame that none of them were liberals in Congress or their operatives. They are back to playing the same blame Republicans and America first game. Do not let them succeed.

And to the families, I am sorry for your loss. No words can bring back your loved ones, and the pain is continuous. I am so sorry. However, it is sad that some of you have decided to play politics with the man who has brought many of those killers and their sponsors to justice. It is a shame you have allowed yourselves to become pawns of the Left. Thank heaven for some families who realize the need to keep 9/11 burning in the fires of our hearts. We are still fighting for those brave men and women who were killed that day, we are still honoring them. Not mentioning them or how our President responded would by far be the biggest slap in the face to their memories. Allowing the appeasers and those who turn a blind eye to control things would bring dishonor to their memories.

It is sad, but liberals will even use the painful memories of tragedy to politicize things. Shameful, unpricipled behavior. But that is to be expected of the No vision, all Hate group that is the Dimocan'ts and Liberals.