Wednesday, March 03, 2004

SPY GAMES: Wilson to Name Who He "THINKS" Leaked His Wife's Name

From Yahoo News:
Former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson will reveal the name of the person he thinks leaked his wife's identity as an undercover CIA officer in a book due out in May, his publisher said Tuesday.

A federal grand jury has heard testimony from at least four White House officials in its investigation to identify the leaker of Valerie Plame's name to syndicated columnist Robert Novak, who published the name in his syndicated column last July. Numerous other officials have been interviewed by the FBI.

Spokeswoman Karen Auerbach of the Avalon Publishing Group in New York said she did not know the identity of the purported leaker.

Novak said in his July 14 column that his sources were two unidentified senior administration officials. Novak has not commented about the matter during the grand jury investigation.

Wilson's book, "The Politics of Truth," is scheduled to come out May 20.

Matt's Chat

This hack doesn't know jack. And the truth is, he is trying his hardest to become somebody...his thirst for fame and fortune know no bounds.....

And they give Hannity crap over his book title, sheesh..."The Politics of Truth," HA!

Mark's Remarks

Wow, this guy was harping about irresponsiblity in leaking his wife's name, now he is going to publish charges he "THINKS" are true? Paul Wilson is a gloryseeking, potsmoking, boozing, partying synchopant (characteristic of most hamsters) who is only out to make fame and a buck. He is a disgrace to the diplomatic corps, and he is a joke of a statesman. This guy is a total shmuck, and someone should tell him this story died a long time ago.

Wilson knows as much about truth as the French know about military victory: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.