Wednesday, March 03, 2004

MI Teacher Called Up to Serve Country MUST PAY FOR HIS SUBSITUTE

From the Detroit Free Press (AP):
A Michigan school district told a teacher activated for military duty that he must cover the cost of a substitute during part of his absence and give the district some of his military pay.

At a school board meeting this week, angry teachers, students and district residents criticized the decision by administrators at Kenowa Hills Public Schools.

"Is this how you treat people that defend your country?" Tom Lovett, a teacher's spouse and district resident, asked board members.

Matt's Chat

THIS is why people think that education has gone off the edge into liberal insanity. Stories like these indicate who is really in charge of our schools. It is sickening.

I will be looking in to putting together a method for Real Americans to raise the money to take care of this.

Mark's Remarks

This is the most vile display of the liberal 'hate the military and patriots' fringe that has dominated our schools in this country. Do you wonder why some people know so little of our history and have so much apathy? They are taught by people like these moron administrators who do not think blood, sweat, and time away from home are price enough to pay.

This is a shameful situation, and not only should the residents of the community be upset, but so should the residents and citizens of this entire country. Where the heck is the NEA? Where is the powerful teacher union? They are too busy hoping to lobby for more money to be thrown at them....besides, they hate the military, too. A shameful disgrace, and I urge everyone out there to contribute to help this teacher/soldier, and also to register complaints with this school district. This is appalling and disgusting, but I bet Senators Levin and Mikluski are loving it, liberal a$$clowns that they are, hate America first crowd that they are. If they really were about helping veterans and soldiers, they would hop on this crusade, but where are they? They are too busy spinning dubious stories about the President and trying to smear their way to victory in elections. Shame on them!!!!