Friday, March 05, 2004

THIS is What Multilateralism Gets You

From the New York Times:
A group of Russian engineers secretly aided Saddam Hussein's long-range ballistic missile program, providing technical assistance for prohibited Iraqi weapons projects even in the years just before the war that ousted him from power, American government officials say.

Iraqis who were involved in the missile work told American investigators that the technicians had not been working for the Russian government, but for a private company. But any such work on Iraq's banned missiles would have violated United Nations sanctions, even as the Security Council sought to enforce them.
Since the invasion last March, American investigators have discovered that the Russian engineers had worked on the Iraqi program both in Moscow and in Baghdad, and that some of them were in the Iraqi capital as recently as 2001, according to people familiar with the intelligence on the matter.

Because some of the Russian experts were said to have formerly worked for one of Russia's aerospace design centers, which remains closely associated with the state, their work for Iraq has raised questions in Washington about whether Russian government officials knew of their involvement in forbidden missile programs. "Did the Russians really not know what they were doing?" asked one person familiar with the United States intelligence reports.

Matt's Chat

This is the probelm with allowing the world to determine your foreign policy and soverignty. Other nations and their leaders do not have the same priorities as America does. President Bush wasn't elected by the world to protect the world; but rather, he was elected by the American people (I will not dignify the Tin Foil Hat Brigade, so don't bother) to protect the United States of America. Naturally, OUR interests come first. That is the way it should always be. Those (Kerry) who would give the United Nations control of our military and foregn policy should never be given the responsibility to lead this nation. And in fact, isn't such a "policy" taking the easy way out? The hard decisions, you know the ones that leaders make, shouldn't be passed off to other bodies...

The Russians knew that Iraq was violating UN resolutions because they were involved in it. Furthermore, their protestations were cover for said involvement. It seems pretty clear to me. The world community tried to dupe us; fortunately, we had a LEADER in the White House and a number of good, strong allies who were willing to do the right thing.

Mark's Remarks

Wow, John Kerry's buddies,( you know, the ones he wanted to help by stalling Reagan in winning the Cold War) The Russians, were secretly working with Saddam. And the French provided him some weapons and took oil bribes? What? Surely you jest. The international community is so much better than America, they know so much more about what is best, they are so much more just. Surely they would not help a madman? Yep, sorry liberals, your rose colored glasses failed you again. Or, should I say Red Glasses?

This is an abomination! To think that there are those who would surrender our rights of self-defense to nations that are taking our money on the one hand and helping our enemies on the other! John Kerry is not a leader, he is a bureaucrat. He is not a strong person, he is a spineless flipflopper with no moral vision, no government vision, other than raising our taxes and throwing money at problems; and blaming America first. Don't let these idiots take control of our country, only to throw it to the UN...You know, the UN, where Human rights abusers and rogue states are allowed to chair committees on freedom and human rights...the UN, where 70 percent of the nations don't care for us. Does that sound like good sense to you, to turn over our security to these Useless Nobodies? It does not to me.

As to Russia, you better start shaping up and flying right, Mr. Putin. Your country is starting to see what terrorism does, do you want help? Then you had better start being honest and a fair actor in world events, and get a friggin' handle on your country and her assets.