Wednesday, March 03, 2004

This Story FINALLY Gets Some Press

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Thirteen years ago, Walter Carter, of Newton, Mass., wrote to his senator and asked him to support military action to expel Saddam Hussein's troops from Iraq. As a vote neared, Carter faxed his letter to the office of John Kerry and, just to be sure, sent it along by regular mail as well.

A few days later, Kerry wrote back to thank Carter for opposing military action against Iraq and told him he had voted "no" on the resolution to give then-President George H.W. Bush the go-ahead.

"I didn't know what to think," Carter recalls today.

A few days later, Carter got another letter from Kerry. The Senator thanked Carter for supporting Bush on Iraq.

"From the outset of the invasion, I have strongly and unequivocally supported President Bush's response to the crisis and the policy goals he has established with our military deployment in the Persian Gulf," Kerry wrote.

"As I recall they said it was a computer glitch," Carter said. "Possibly it's true. Possibly it's not true. I don't know what to believe."

Matt's Chat

The mainstream press is starting to realize that Senator Flip-Flop has some issues with issues. Excellent...

Mark's Remarks

But, it was 13 years ago...who cares? I mean, who cares if this is yet another IN THE LITANY OF FLIP FLOPS OF A GUTLESS, SPINELESS, AND QUITE SIMPLY LUDICROUS HUMAN BEING who has no moral clarity, no vision, and certainly no right to speak of military matters, a man who disparaged the very men he is courting now. A man who reeks of special interests while claiming to want to show them the door...which door? The one directly to the Oval Office, perhaps? A man who if successful would have hampered our fighting the Cold War, and who if successful would have our military fight with weapons of the past rather than be on the cutting edge of the future. That man, or more likely, that GOLLUM, is John Kerry.

This article further shows he is a man without vision, a man without clarity, and a man without honor.