Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Iran Update

From NewsMax:
Officials at the U.S. mission to the U.N. in NYC confirm that two "security officers" at Iran's United Nations mission "were asked" to leave the country several days ago and have since departed.

The reason for the "request" to leave was that the two were "engaged in activities incompatible with their stated duties (at the Iranian mission)" says a U.S. official in New York City.

The Iranians are believed to have been caught photographing various NYC landmarks, infrastructure and transportation systems in June 2002, November 2003 and June 2004.

From ABC News:
Richard Grenell, spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, confirmed the expulsions but gave no details.

"We asked them to leave because we were very concerned about their activities, which were incompatible with their stated duties," he said.

According to the U.S. official, the first photographing incident took place in June 2002, the second in November 2003, and the third occurred recently, the official said.

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said in November that two Iranian citizens were questioned while taking video images of the subway tracks on the No. 7 line in Queens.

He said the two men, stopped by a transit officer, claimed diplomatic immunity and were ultimately not charged with any wrongdoing. The commissioner declined to label their behavior suspicious, but called it "unusual.

Matt's Chat

This is the second deportation in as many weeks of Iranians who were engaged in activities "incompatible with their stated duties" (diplo-speak for spying). Remember this should some "event" happen in New York...

Mark's Remarks

Why isn't the larger media (read the Partisan Leftist Fascist Propaganda Press)reporting on this highly? Why aren't people like Dick Clarke screaming and shaking trees? Why don't we hear more about this? Simple. It is not something that would bring down Bush. It is not something that highlights ineptitude. It is not something that shows what terrible people we are in America. However, if we simply deported these people with no cause, the Propaganda Press would be all over it in saying how brutal we are becoming toward Iranians. Give me a break.

However, this is a good sign that more proactive measures are being done in security. Sending these folks home does nothing but keep potential enemies at bay, which I am all for. However, it is worrisome that perhaps the pictures have been disseminated and that perhaps more strife is on the way. Of course, if we had a commission actually looking into how to improve intel and security instead of politicizing the murder of 3000 for the gain of John Kerry--then maybe we could get things done. However, liberals DON'T care about your security. Liberals DON'T care about other terror attacks. Liberals DON'T care about endangering our men and women overseas. Simply look at how they are politicizing things tells one this. It is not rocket science.

John Kerry Delinda Est!