Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Me or the Shark. I Chose Me.

From the Winnipeg Sun:
An Australian diver who says he speared a grey nurse shark in self-defence faces charges for killing an endangered species. "I thought it was either the shark or me," the man told the Daily Telegraph. "I was convinced it was trying to eat me."

A state fisheries officer found the spear fisherman on a beach north of Sydney with a dead 10-kg grey nurse shark on June 9. Grey nurse sharks are considered dangerous to humans, although the speared animal was identified as an immature one.

The man may be the first person charged with killing a nurse shark under state law.

Matt's Chat

What a strange world we live in where animals have more of a right to live than we do... Contrary to what the animal rights wackos will tell you, this is not right. We have a right to defend ourselves, even if the animal is an endangered species.

Mark's Remarks

More evidence of environmentalism gone insane....Save the shark, kill yourself...give me a break...this is frivoluous, stupid, and absolutely preposterous. However, the fisherman will probably get jail time, because that is how stupid the legal system is sometimes.

John Kerry Delinda Est!