Wednesday, July 07, 2004

ACT Update

From USA Today:
The top anti-Bush group in the country has spent more money in Ohio than in any other state where it is campaigning, a study released Thursday shows.

America Coming Together, a nonprofit dedicated to defeating Bush by getting out anti-Bush votes, has deployed at least 700 people in Ohio and spent $1.1 million. And those figures cover October through March, before the campaign in Ohio got even fiercer.

"This probably confirms something many Ohioans suspected: They really are the focus of the election," said Derek Willis, who wrote the report for The Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan Washington group that monitors money in politics.

Matt's Chat

This really isn't news, but worth pointing out a couple of things...if USA Today is calling them the "top anti-Bush group", don't believe that "non-partisan" crap that ACT has been selling. These people sent felons out to knock on your door to solicit your personal information. They are tied to George $oro$, Progressive Insurance executive Peter Lewis, and RealNetworks' Rob Glaser: these are pretty partisan folks, I think we can all agree on that...

Mark's Remarks

You know, AlGore compared digital columnists like Matt and myself to Hitler's Brownshirts or the thugs employed by Mussolini. However, if I remember, the Brownshirt thugs all had criminal records, kind of like the operatives of ACT. And like ACT, the Brownshirts were led by a right hand man of the Nazis, even though they were techinically "separate" organizations. Wow, doesn't that sound a lot like these 527s who seek to undermine campaign finance and ethics laws with their so-called separateness, even as they schmooze and invite Lefty politicians and Kerry operatives to help coordinate activities....So, I ask you, who is the most like the dark and shadowy Brownshirt organization of Hitler? We are here in the open, and we do not beat up people outside of movie theaters, we do not give known felons personal addresses and send them around the neighborhoods to intimidate people into voting for our guy, but it seems Democrats do. Someone said something about a pot calling a kettle black, if I recall....

John Kerry Delinda Est!