Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Around the Blogosphere

From the TIB Network:
Michelle Malkin's latest TownHall article is not to be missed. She exposes the money behind the "Party of the Little People".tm She also points us to this blog dealing with campaign finance and offers this site for balance on Republican funders.

NRO Cornerite, Jonah Goldberg brings up an old John Kerry quote that I think bears repeating:
In 1988 John Kerry got into a lot of trouble -- and eventually apologized -- for telling the following joke when asked about Quayle's qualifications:

"The Secret Service is under orders that if Bush is shot, to shoot Quayle." wonders what Kerry must really think of his pick for VP.

Lileks on Edwards pick:
I have nothing to say that hasn’t been said elsewhere, but I do find it amusing that these guys are all so steeeenking rich. You have a guy whose wife is worth a cool billion and another guy with several dozen million running on a platform of hiking taxes on people who make 200K. Class warfare, man!
Which is pretty much what I've been saying about Edwards on our show since Iowa...

And finally, Tim Perry leads us to this article by Dick Morris:
Edwards has a real vulnerability in the way he raised campaign money during his abortive presidential bid.

The North Carolina senator and former trial lawyer leaned heavily on his former peers for campaign funding. More than half of his donations came from trial lawyers, and 22 of his top 25 contributions came from his former colleagues at the bar.

There is evidence that Edwards may have circumvented the campaign-finance law by bundling contributions from law clerks and paralegals who did not actually make the donations from their own funds.
We're gonna learn an awful lot about Johnny the Kid here in the next few months...

- Matt

John Kerry Delinda Est!