Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Does THIS Sound Like the Great Depression to You?

From MyWayNews:

The economy appears headed for a banner year despite a springtime spike in energy prices and a recent increase in interest rates.

In fact, many analysts are forecasting that the overall economy, as measured by the gross domestic product, will grow by 4.6 percent or better this year, the fastest in two decades.

There were strong 4.5 percent growth rates in 1997 and 1999, when Bill Clinton was president and the country was in the midst of a record 10-year expansion.

But if this year's growth ends up a bit faster than that, it will be the best since the economy roared ahead at a 7.2 percent rate in 1984, a year when another Republican president - Ronald Reagan - was running for re-election.

"We are moving into a sweet spot for the economy with interest rates not too high, jobs coming back and business investment providing strength," said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Bank One in Chicago, who is predicting GDP growth of 4.8 percent this year.

Matt's Chat

I blame Bush. Pessimism and myths never created a job...

Mark's Remarks

John Kerry would have you believe this is the worst economy since Herbert Hoover. However, the FACTS tell a different story. However, everyone out there should know the liberal mantra by now: don't let the facts get in the way of a good smear.(tm)

The best economic growth since Reagan and the liberals are talking like it is 1929 all over again. Ridiculous, irresponsible, and disingenuous. To think they are actually rooting for more troop deaths and a terrible economy just so they can gain power is disgusting, and we know they root for this and hope for this--remember Dick Gephardt's and Nancy Pelosi's comments during 2001 during the Clinton/Gore leftover recession? They were talking about how many votes they would get in the Congressional elections as Americans suffered with a recession. No talk about helping the people, only talk about how much more power they would gain....These people don't care about American security or prosperity, they only care for their own egos and power.

John Kerry Delinda Est!