Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Iranian Intel Officers Caught in Iraq

From FOX News:
American and Iraqi joint patrols, along with U.S. Special Operations teams, captured two men with explosives in Baghdad on Monday who identified themselves as Iranian intelligence officers, FOX News has confirmed.

Senior officials said it was previously believed that Iran had officers inside Iraq stirring up violence, but this is the first time that self-proclaimed Iranian intelligence agents have been captured within the country.

The Defense officials also confirmed to FOX News that in recent days there has been significant success in tracking down "known bad guys" based on information from local citizens. While those captured aren't from the list of former regime members or from terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's) network, they are "active" bombers and organizers of recent violence.

The arrest of the two Iranians suspected of attempting to carry out a vehicle bombing has focused new attention on how Tehran is trying to protect its interests in the country it fought for eight years in a devastating war.

Matt's Chat

Another bubble burst...seems it isn't the Iraqis who desperately want us out, but rather foreign fighters/terrorists and intelligence operatives. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't Iraqis who would rather see us gone, but the bulk of these insurgents terrorists are not Iraqis. The President is right, the average Iraqi wants their freedom and liberty.

Mark's Remarks

Of course, liberal news services will not report this, because it only leads credence to what Iraqi blogs, Iraqi emails, and Iraqis have been saying. Most treasure their liberty and want to be protected and helped. Of course, the libs will instead make this out to be some sort of subterfuge, or perhaps they will follow these prisoners around and wait til we ignore a request of theirs and accuse us of terrible abuse.

The Mass Fascist Media is a disgrace to reporters of the past like Murrow and others who reported and let the people decide. It is shameful that the Partisan Fascist Media would rather paint our soldiers as interlopers and barbarian invaders than the good liberators they are. Schools are being rebuilt, friendships forged, but you would not know that from the TV. After all, they have an election to influence, and lord knows they want it to be Kerry who wins.

Disgraceful, shameful, and contrary to their so-called ethics of objectivity.

This capture shows that it is mostly the scared little dictators of the area who want the new Iraq to fail, not common Iraqis. They are afraid that the wondrous words of liberty and freedom will spread and topple them as the Soviet Union was toppled.

John Kerry Delinda Est!