Friday, July 02, 2004

France and Germany Oppose Iraq's Death Penalty

From Yahoo News:
Baghdad's decision to re-establish the death penalty ahead of the war crimes trial of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) evoked a mixed reaction in Europe, recalling the split across the continent over the war that toppled the Iraqi leader.

Germany and France, two of the most vocal anti-war opponents, strongly stated their opposition — without exception — to the death penalty and called on Iraqi authorities to ensure Saddam a fair trial.

In Berlin, the government's top human rights official, Claudia Roth, criticized Baghdad's move to reinstate capital punishment, which was suspended during the U.S. occupation.

"To start out this way does not send a good signal," Roth told The Associated Press. "I think it would have been a signal of democratic strength had they not reinstated the death penalty in Iraq."

France called on Iraqi justice officials to hold a trial that conforms to principles of international law, and the government reiterated its opposition to the execution of convicts.

The 25-member European Union intends to let Iraq know of its opposition to the death penalty, said Emma Udwin, external relations spokeswoman for the European Commission.

Matt's Chat

France and Germany still don't get it. Their time is over. Their power continues to fade; their influence dimishes by the minute.

And Chirac and his fellow Frenchies don't get it at all. They had the nerve to to dictate to Iraq about policy after Jack Iraq chided President Bush about Turkey's admission to the European Union. That is liberal hypocrasy...but they won't see it that way. Liberals never do...

Mark's Remarks

France and Germany and trolls--shut the piehole! Last time I looked, the Iraqis had their own country back and it is the right of sovereign nations to determine their own methods of punishment, and isn't the right of self-determination in that useless toilet roll called the UN charter that France and Germany love so much? I believe it is.

Chirac, you are just afraid Saddam will rat you out even more as the evil little wannabe despot and worldmover you think you are. You are falling apart, as even your own citizens are calling for your ouster, you will go down in history ala Petain and the Vichy government.

As to others, like Germany, and people in Belgium with notions of self serving arrogance and stupidity--SHUT THE PIEHOLE!!!

If you wanted a say in the future of Iraq, you should have joined the coalition. Now, the Iraqis are in control and it is up to them, and it is quite frankly, none of your business!

John Kerry Delinda Est!