Friday, July 02, 2004

More WMDs Found in Iraq

From Yahoo News:
Polish troops recently discovered more than a dozen warheads containing mustard or sarin gas in Iraq, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in a radio interview released.

Rumsfeld said Polish Defense Minister Jerzy Szmajdzinski told him about the find when they met earlier this week at a NATO summit in Istanbul.

"He pointed out that his troops in Iraq had recently come across -- I've forgotten the number, but something like 16 or 17 -- warheads that contained sarin and mustard gas," Rumsfeld told Newradio 600 KOGO of San Diego, California, in an interview aired Wednesday.

"Now these are weapons that we always knew Saddam Hussein had that he had not declared, and they have tested them," he said.

Matt's Chat

This is starting to sound like a stockpile to me... Its about time for the liberals to move the goalpost again...

Mark's Remarks

To some of the trolls out there, you know, it is like comparing apples and oranges when you compare mines that never went off to unused and undeployed weapons, but that is what liberals do. Take situations that may be VERY VAGUELY ANALOGOUS, and then compare them as if they were exactly the same situation. And, it shows the validity that you liberals move the goalposts as soon as your nuances are exposed as lie.

John Kerry Delinda Est!