Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Kerry Flip-Flopping on Abortion

From the Washington Post:
Kerry broke new ground in an interview that ran in the Dubuque, Iowa, Telegraph Herald. A Catholic who supports abortion rights and has taken heat from some in the church hierarchy for his stance, Kerry told the paper, "I oppose abortion, personally. I don't like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception."

Spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said that although Kerry has often said abortion should be "safe, legal and rare," and that his religion shapes that view, she could not recall him ever publicly discussing when life begins.

"I can't take my Catholic belief, my article of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a Jew or an atheist," he continued in the interview. "We have separation of church and state in the United States of America." The comments came on the final day of a three-state Midwest swing, during which Kerry has repeatedly sought to dispel stereotypes that could play negatively among voters there.

Matt's Chat

So, one wonders about what he tells the pro-death groups like NARAL...after all, he has received several 100% ratings from NARAL on abortion votes...this sort of talk has got to get them rattled. Or do they realize what John Kerry really is...

Mark's Remarks

John Kerry, taking the cues from Mussolini, Hitler, and other wannabe dictators--tailormade speeches before select audiences, flipflopping to the polls....

If John Kerry truly believes life begins at conception, then why doesn't he stand up for it? Do we want someone who is not a man of conviction in the role of commander in chief? Someone who will simply kowtow to interest groups associated with his party for the sake of support and campaign contributions? If John Kerry truly believes life begins at conception, then he is knowingly authorizing and supporting the murder of life! At the very least it is hypocritical. At the most (and still easily provable) it is heresy! This man should be excommunicated immediately, especially in light of this new evidence. No one is saying legislate your religion, Senator, however we do need leaders that have conviction and beliefs they are willing to stand up for. Once again, you prove you have no backbone, no core, and are merely a political panderer.

John Kerry Delinda Est!