Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Kerry's Health Plan

From NewsMax:
John Kerry has been touting his health care plan for America in TV commercials airing in battleground states across the nation.

In these ads, Kerry promises to give every single American health insurance. But he doesn’t mention the price tag.

One Clinton administration official, now an economist at Emory University says that “KerryCare” will cost the American taxpayers an astounding $895 billion over the next decade.

And even at that cost the U.S could not guarantee that every citizen would get health insurance.

Matt's Chat

So...this is gonna cost us close to a trillion dollars and there isn't a guarentee that it will do what John Kerry has promised. How will he pay for THAT? He will raise your taxes as HILLARY said earlier, "for the common good."

KerryCare, like HILLARYCare, will be a disaster if it is ever allowed to happen. President Bush has a more responsible plan that he's been executing...

Mark's Remarks

Typical liberal smoke and mirrors. Produce the soundbite, but never get into nuts and bolts. If and When we find out the details of this supposed plan (read fantasy) then the American people will be outraged at the cost and the rights violations. Go back and read all the access government had to health and finance records under HILLARYcare, for it will be similar under KERRYCare. Kerry has no plan, he has only platitudes. The estimates of 900 billion dollars are only for healthcare. It will (according to some friends in the economics field's estimates) take approximately an average tax rate of between 47 and 55% for the broadest tax bracket (that precious middle class Kerry wants to 'protect') on a family of four's income. 47 to 55%!!!! That means combined with state taxes, you will take home only about 25-35% of your hardearned pay! All this for a health system that will be long on waits for surgeries, and will make HMOs seem kindhearted in the treatments allowed!


John Kerry Delinda Est!