Thursday, July 08, 2004

Missing Marine A Hoax?

The strange disappearance of Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, reportedly kidnapped in Iraq nearly three weeks ago, grows even more mysterious.

Senior Pentagon officials tell NBC News, a man claiming to be Hassoun, called his family in Lebanon and the U.S. embassy in Beirut, saying he was — "released by his kidnappers somewhere in Lebanon" and that he was "waiting to be picked up."

But in Washington, Secretary of State Colin Powell said U.S. officials remain in the dark. "We have received reports that he may be in contact with various individuals and there are other reports that he might be in Lebanon. But we cannot confirm any of these at this time," said Powell.

Late Wednesday, FBI agents showed up at the Hassoun family home in West Jordan, Utah. And Pentagon officials tell NBC News that the Navy has now launched a criminal investigation into Hassoun's disappearance, and the possibility that his kidnapping may be part of an elaborate hoax.

Matt's Chat

This story just gets more and more bizarre...I hope this guy is okay though...regardless of his "situation" he is a human being.

Mark's Remarks

I hope this Hassoun is ok, because he is a human being, but if this is part of some hoax, then heads need to roll and people need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for wasting resources that could be used to help others. However, until it is revealed as a hoax, we have to pray for this guy's safety and for his family.

John Kerry Delinda Est!