Thursday, July 08, 2004

Enron's Lay Indicted

From My Way News:
Former Enron Corp. chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay has been indicted on criminal charges related to the energy company's collapse as a web of accounting schemes unraveled, sources close to the case told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Lay, the company's founder, was expected to surrender to federal authorities Thursday, the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Two sources said the indictment against Lay, 62, was expected to be unsealed upon or shortly after his surrender to the FBI.

Prosecutors from the Justice Department's Enron Task Force presented an indictment to U.S. Magistrate Judge Mary Milloy in Houston on Wednesday. At their request, the judge sealed both the indictment and an arrest warrant.

Matt's Chat

Another victory in the fight against corporate corruption!

Mark's Remarks

You see, unlike the other party, which allowed companies to cheat and circumvent the law in the 1990s simply to create a bubble they could use for elections, this party and this administration does not promote corporate corruptors into key positions (you know, like Bill Clinton did to his friend from Global Crossing, Terry McAuliffe, who came to head the Democratic party shortly before the corruption was revealed at Global Crossing and thousands of people lost billions on this company, even as McAuliffe kept his fortune).

Well done!

John Kerry Delinda Est!