Thursday, July 01, 2004

Not Anti-War, Just on the Other Side

From the San Francisco Chronicle:
No quote...this article is too infuriating to quote. Go read the whole thing.

Matt's Chat

What kind of $#|+ is that? This guy expects me to equate the villains in "Red Dawn" with the Americans serving in Iraq? And the only "good" war movie to watch in this political climate is "Black Hawk Down"? Screw you Peter Hartlaub. And the horse you rode in on...

Its crap like this that makes me think Max Zorin had the right idea after all...

Mark's Remarks

So Americans are the ruthless Russians who were the bad guys in Red Dawn? I don't hardly think so...This guy makes me heave...Especially if you are celebrating what those damn Somalian animals did to our servicemen who were there TO PROVIDE PROTECTION FOR FOOD TO THE CITIZENS!!!! Screw you, dude! and that is the polite words I have for you...

John Kerry Delinda Est!