Thursday, November 11, 2004

Bogey Sub Enters Japanese Waters

From the Navy Times:
An unidentified submarine entered Japanese waters Wednesday for about two hours from around 6 a.m., Japan’s Defense Agency officials said, with agency sources adding that the vessel is suspected of being Chinese.

The intrusion prompted the Japanese government to order the Maritime Self-Defense Force to take security action for only the second time ever, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda said. But he conceded later in the day that it was only after the submarine left Japanese waters that the order was issued.

Japanese P-3C patrol planes detected the submarine, which entered Japanese territorial waters off a chain of islets in Okinawa in the early morning from the south and proceeded toward the north, the agency said.

Hosoda said in an afternoon news conference that "the submarine’s country of origin is unknown." But agency sources said Wednesday night that based on sounds captured from the vessel’s engine, it is likely to be a Chinese Han class nuclear attack submarine.

"It would be difficult to determine the identity if the submarine does not surface," a senior MSDF official said on condition of anonymity.
Chinese? No surprise. And certainly a logical conclusion. Let's refresh our memories, who else has participated in naval exercises with China recently? Oh, yeah, our Oldest Enemy, France. I'm just saying...

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