Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Capitalism Post

By Matt for the TIB Network:

I know...I just did one of these...but I'm gonna do another one because we just got in with some affiliate programs. Check 'em out in the sidebar. At the moment we're affiliated with Kaplan, the Franklin Mint,, The Luggage Source, The Sharper Image and LinkShare.

Please support our advertisers and affiliates. When you do, we get a little kickback and capitalism works! That, and we'll be able to continue you providing our quality content. Speaking of content, we do still have some plans for new "stuff" that we're working on...which reminds me, you can purchase DVD/VHS copies of the show from SOC Entertainment (the company that produces our show).

More to come...any suggestions? Feel free to list 'em in the comments section and I'll see what I can do...

7:30PM Update

A couple of new additions to the Affiliate Program...The Supply Sergeant (military-style clothing and gear), and (those two should be self-explanitory).

I love the smell of capitalism in the morning...err...evening...well, most anytime really.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!

Current Arafat Status: