Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Late Start and No News

By Matt for the TIB Network:

Sorry for the late start, folks...I had a conference call this morning and some administrative work piled up this morning. And as it turns out, NOTHING is happening in the news right now. At least, nothing that I feel like writing about.

Margaret Spellings is to be the replacement for Sec. Paige at Education. Hearing that the President plans to shift the Education focus to older students...

11:30AM Update

Eric Pearson at National Review doesn't seem all that impressed with Spellings and suggests that she may not be for Title IX reform.

1:40 PM Update

John J. Miller over at The Corner notes an LA Times piece in which Sen. Teddy "Have Another" Kennedy praised the selection:
"Spellings' impending appointment was hailed by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), who worked closely with her and the White House in crafting No Child Left Behind. 'Margaret Spellings is a capable, principled leader who has the ear of the president and has earned strong bipartisan respect in Congress. I look forward to working with her to strengthen our public schools,' Kennedy said. ... Reg Weaver, president of the National Education Assn., a 2.7- million-member teachers union, said Spellings' nomination was 'a great opportunity for the administration to change the tone of its discourse with the education community.'"
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this was a bad pick...

4:15PM Update

Rep. John Boehner, chair of the Education Committee, seems to like the pick...
"I commend President Bush on his decision to nominate Margaret Spellings to become our nation's next Education Secretary. She's a top-notch choice, and I'm looking forward to continuing to work with her in support of high academic standards and expanded choices for families in American education. The fact that President Bush has chosen one of his closest and most trusted advisors to become Education Secretary is a clear sign that education will continue to be a top domestic priority for the administration during the next four years.

"Having spent many years working at the state level in education policy before joining President Bush at the White House in 2001, Margaret is the ideal person to work with states and governors of both parties as we move into the next phase of implementation of the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act. In Texas, she was responsible for developing and implementing the state's strong school accountability system, and she was also instrumental in the state's strong reading and charter school efforts. These combined efforts were a model for No Child Left Behind.

"Margaret is completely dedicated to closing the achievement gap in our schools between disadvantaged students and their more affluent peers. I have every confidence that under her leadership and management as Secretary of Education, the Education Department will work successfully with states and schools to build on the great strides made toward that goal during President Bush's first term."
I'm still pretty undecided on the issue...

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