Monday, November 22, 2004

The Chief Justice Question

in a nutshell.

I'd love to take a wait and see attitude, but I think we're going to know what the situation is at the Inaugural...

Mark's Remarks

I myself would love it to be Thomas or Scalia, two learned and extremely conscientious men who have served so well....I like Thomas because he has stood firm despite the garbage that has been thrown at him, and has established himself (you know, libs, if you ever like, read his opinions) as a reasonable jurist and interpreter of jurisprudence. Of course, the Left would get their overseers in the so-called plantation to stir up trouble and we would get Anita Hill part II and cries of Uncle Tom-hood. Utterly ridiculous--you are a womanizing, non-child supporting lib like Jesse Jackson, and you get lauded, but you are a family man who has risen to the highest office in his field, and you get labelled an uncle Tom because you are conservative....Love that fairminded Party of "tolerance."

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