Monday, November 22, 2004

DeLay Returns Fire

Stuart Roy, communications director for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), today responded to the breathless press release issued by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), which accused DeLay of being "delusional" and of "bringing dishonor on the House of Representatives."

"Mrs. Pelosi is entitled to her opinion, of course, as is the Ethics Committee which just found Chris Bell guilty of nine separate rules violations, and as are the American people who have reaffirmed their support for a national Republican majority for the sixth straight election," Roy said. "Then again, Mrs. Pelosi's past as a flagrant and hypocritical violator of federal election law obviously calls her judgment on this matter into question."

Pelosi's statement said DeLay's comments about Pelosi were unsubstantiated. In the interest of clarity, therefore, the following substantiation is offered:

-- In October, 2002, "a fund-raising committee run by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was fined $21,000 for improperly accepting donations over federal limits." (USA Today, Feb. 11, 2004)

-- "(T)he use of the two committees, PAC to the Future and Team Majority, amounts to a probable violation of laws intended to prevent lawmakers from multiplying their leadership political action committees in order to defy contribution limits." (Roll Call, Oct. 24, 2002)

-- "In the 2002 election cycle, Pelosi gave more than two dozen candidates the $5,000 maximum contribution from Team Majority as well as PAC to the Future, which is her main leadership PAC -- thereby exceeding contribution limits." (USA Today, Feb. 11, 2004)

-- Rep. Pelosi's own treasurer admitted: "The main reason for the creation of the second PAC, frankly, was to give twice as much hard dollars" to candidates of Pelosi's choosing. (Roll Call, Oct. 24, 2002)
It's getting out of hand now...which is exactly what I expected when it comes to Nancy Pelosi. And Tom DeLay.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!