Monday, November 22, 2004

DeWine on Specter

By Matt for the TIB Network:

Awhile back, I wrote one of my senators, Sen. DeWine, who happens to be on the Judicial Committee, about the selection of Sen. Arlen Specter as Chairman. Here is his reply:
November 22, 2004

Dear Matthew:

Thank you for contacting me with your comments about Senator Arlen Specter being selected as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. As a member of this Committee, it is encouraging that my office received so much interest in the selection of a Committee Chairman.

I have now joined all of my Republican colleagues on the Committee in support of Senator Specter. I have based my decision on Senator Specter's past record and his stated intentions of moving the President's nominees forward. Over the past four years, Senator Specter has not opposed a single one of President Bush's nominees. He has worked hard to push these nominees through the Judiciary Committee and see that they received a vote on the Senate Floor. Senator Specter has stated publicly that he plans to move the President's future nominees forward through the Committee and on to the Senate Floor for debate and votes.

Based on his past record, I expect that Senator Specter will keep his word. Again, thank you for contacting me. If you have any additional concerns please feel free to contact me anytime.

Very respectfully yours,

United States Senator
Well, Senator, all I have to say is that I will remember this debacle...and I'm sure you will too. If only the Democrats would put up a reasonable candidate...

Mark's Remarks

I see you got the same form email as well, Matt....Well, Senator DeWine has just given more credence to the claim he is not a true conservative Republican, or even a Republican, but a fellow RINO like Specter. I hope the Ohio Republican party encourages someone to run against him in the primaries, or we get a conservative Democrat to run against him. DeWine is not looking out for Ohio's or the nation's interest. What a clown!

And as for you, Senator Specter, I would watch what I say...I wouldn't even sneeze too loud...You, dear RINO, are on a very, very short leash....

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