Monday, November 22, 2004

Dutch Lawmaker Geert Wilders

The Guardian has some quotations from Mr. Wilders that might explain why the Islamofascists are so intent on getting their 72 raisins for successfully beheading him. Here are two of my favorites (and it's not because they happen to be at the top of the list):
"The Netherlands has been too tolerant for the intolerant people for too long."

"I would stop the immigration immediately for the next five years for non-Western immigrants. Not because I have anything against foreigners or people from non-Western countries, but we have huge problems with integration."
Although, this one is pretty good too:
"If in a mosque there is recruitment for jihad it's not a house of prayer, it's a house of war. If it's not a house of prayer it should be closed down."
Via The Corner, the London Times reports:
"GEERT WILDERS, the Dutch MP and controversial critic of Islam, has two policemen by his side even when in his high-security parliamentary office in case someone tries to decapitate him. Each day, he does not know where he is going to sleep that night, as he is taken from safe house to safe house in a convoy of armoured cars. He was taken into hiding when police investigating the murder of the film-maker Theo van Gogh on November 2 uncovered a network of radical Muslims with advanced plans to kill Mr Wilders, and other "enemies of Islam". A video circulating on the internet offered 72 virgins in paradise to any Muslim who beheaded him."
This is what it has come too with these thugs...

Mark's Remarks

Geert for President of the Netherlands! Geert for Ruler of Belgium!!! Sounds like a reasonable man...therefore, of course, the libs and islamofascists hate him....I say we give this man asylum and protection....

Of course, the lazy "old Europeans" will not join this visionary in his strong stance....Nope, it would be too much effort and strain to stand against evil....better to make waffles and watches and chocolate, right?

Islamofascism Delenda Est!