Friday, November 12, 2004

Marines Rescue Hostage

From the Independent:
The US military said today that one hostage was found imprisoned in Fallujah.

Marines spokesman Maj. Francis Piccoli said that US troops had found the man chained to a wall and shackled by his wrists and ankles at a location in northeastern Fallujah Wednesday afternoon.

Piccoli said he did not know the man's nationality but that he was not an American or Westerner. The man had been beaten by his captors and was very malnourished, according to medical assessments.

A variety of weapons was discovered at the site as well, he said.

ABC pool footage showed US Marines speaking to the man, who said he was an Iraqi taxi driver who had been held for 10 days until the Marines freed him.

The man, who was shirtless and wrapped up in a blanket, had what appeared to be bruises on his neck and back.

Speaking through an Iraqi translator, the man said his captors put cuffs on his legs and hands and beat him with thick electrical cable. He said he thought he would be killed.

He also said he had not been given food or water for several days.
Just in case you missed it in the, you know, American "press."

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