Friday, November 12, 2004

The Specter Saga Continues

From NewsMax:
Cornyn, who met with Specter privately on Tuesday, said he expected Specter to make some type of public announcement or assurance to confirm what he was been telling senators privately.

"I know that private conversations are sometimes remembered differently in the future," Cornyn said. "That's why it's important to memorialize things in a public fashion where everybody's clear on what the understanding is."

A public statement would also help senators who are being flooded with calls and e-mails from anti-abortion groups. "I have a responsibility to them to tell them this is why I voted to support Sen. Specter's chairmanship," Cornyn said.

If those things happen, "I think he is likely to be confirmed," Cornyn said.
I agree with Sen. Cornyn that it is likely that Specter will get the Chairmanship. It's politics as usual in Washington and having Specter chair the Judiciary Committee affirms the Republicans plans to continue "expanding the party" at the risk of losing its base.

Hugh Hewitt is fond of saying:
Jeffords. Jeffords. Jeffords.
My response continues to be:

Principles. Principles. Principles.

No word from the Hewitt camp on that one...

Islamofascism Delenda Est!

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