Wednesday, April 20, 2005

France Update

From Swiss Info:
France has stepped up patrols at a Swiss border crossing point to prevent illegal immigrants from slipping into the country.

Police in the western canton of Vaud say Switzerland is paying the price for lying outside the Schengen area, the world’s largest passport-free zone.

Since late February more than 250 people travelling by train from Italy via Switzerland to France have been turned away by French border guards.

The unilateral move to tighten checks at the small border town of Vallorbe in canton Vaud is being seen in some quarters as proof that Switzerland is isolated in the middle of Europe.
Well, if it's good enough for the unilateralist French, why the %^&* aren't we doing that here?!!!?

Mark's Remarks

I hope when a court case comes before the Supremes, then Justice Kennedy darn sure better check out France's use of border patrols to keep illegals out. I am shocked that the liberal French would dare use border agents to keep out others. Who do they think they are? it is an abomination to international law! I demand an investigation, and universal condemnation....Nope, not for putting the agents in...but rather for the French hypocrisy of castigating us and Israel for protecting our borders....