Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I am very disappointed (AGAIN!!!) at the stupidity of my own state's Senators. This time, it is George (Spineless) Voinovich. He has further delayed the approval of the nomination of John Bolton as ambassador to the UN. According to the story, Voinovich was convinced by an impassioned appeal from far lefty partisan Chris Dodd of Connecticut. Yep, the same Chris Dodd who has advocated obstructionism of judicial nominees, advocated the policy of NO! on key agenda items, the same Chris Dodd who was for personal accounts in the 1990s but is now against them. It has become apparent to me that Mr. Voinovich lacks the mental capacity to tie his shoes, much less to be Senator. I call on him to resign immediately. He is a dolt, a disappointment, and a disgrace to Ohioans. His wishywashy manner reminds me of the Storm Trooper in Star Wars IV: A New Hope. His mind is so weak he falls for a lame jedi mind trick by Chris Dodd. Disgraceful! Send this clown mass emails, Ohioans! Demand someone with a backbone! At least Mike DeWine is pretending to be conservative because his son is running for office. Voinovich, however, is simply another spineless RINO like John(Goiter)McCain who rather than taking the power and getting things done, is too worried about what might happen if the Dims take back control.
NEWSFLASH: if you worked on the agenda and got things done, the Dims would NEVER regain control, morons!!!!!

This rant brought to you by the Impeach Voinovich movement and Ohio Voters for Senators with a Spine.....

12:20PM Update and Matt's Chat

Frank Gaffney (cue the "Patton" music) on the Bolton hold-up.

What amazes me the most is that this idiot didn't bother to attend previous hearings on the matter and NOW has a problem all of a sudden. What? The appointment of an ambassador to the Untied Nations isn't important enough for the Senator's time? Did the Sneator happen to see by how much the President won the state of Ohio? Aren't the Senators constituents entitled to have representation that, you know, actually represents them?

The only reason why this idiot and his buddy DeWine keep getting elected is that the Democrats in Ohio keep putting up "proven conservatives" like Jerry Springer for the position...

Why did wwe bother to win an election at all?

12:30PM Update

Apparently my email to Voinovich got through last night... Beltway Buzz on NRO is reporting that Voinovich has not indicated that the hold yesterday is a no vote and that he has met with Bolton personally. The email pouring in to the Beltway Buzz mailbox is pretty disgusted with the whole thing... I recommend letting the Senator himself know what your feelings on the matter are...

3:25PM Update

The Editors of National Review...
Ohio Republican Sen. George Voinovich rolled like a marble yesterday.
Yep... Check out the whole thing.

3:55PM Update

The conservative group, Move America Forward, has targetted Voinovich for his stand against Bolton. Will the Ohio Republican Party get the message and take appropriate action? I'm not holding my breath...

4:30PM Update

MVCAer Brian piles on with the exposure of Harry Reid's latest dasterdly project..."Operation Manchurian Candidate XXXVII"

I think Brian and the rest of the MVCAers ought to check out the "debate" going on over at the Ohio GOP's been infested with Democrat plants trolling...

Doug's Dialogue

Here is my e-mail to the senator.

Mr. Voinovich,

I am extremely disappointed that you are choosing to hold up the nomination of Mr. Bolton. The fact that you are playing political games with nominations confirms a fact that I have long suspected, you are no longer in touch with your constituency and should voluntarily resign as Senator.

Last fall, the American people made choices during the election cycle. One of the key themes that I kept hearing was how the American people were tired of the political games between the two political parties. Many choices were made and people voted for people whom they thought would be able to take action and get past the partisan political games. Unfortunately, since the election, not much has changed. The partisan political games that the American people were so disgusted with during the election have continued and indeed intensified in some aspects. This is not what America needs right now.

We have many problems in America right now. What we need in order to fix these problems are people with the courage and charisma to stand up, take a stand, and work to make changes. With the games that you choose to play, you are not such a person. Again, I would implore you to resign.


Douglas Battson