Friday, October 21, 2005

More Local Blogging: Fairfield Levies

From the Fairfield Echo:
A proposed decrease in six levies passed for the Fairfield City Schools over the past 27 years could affect both residents and schools.

Just don’t expect to hear much about it before Nov. 8.

If Fairfield School District voters approve Issues 24 through 29 it would cost the district $81,000 a year. It would save the owner of a $100,000 home less than $2 per year in property taxes.

Why it won’t be the subject of a strong campaign leading up to Nov. 8 is simple: The people who put the issues on the ballot don’t want them to pass.
Huh? Let's get some more of this story...
One of those people is Kay Carran. She has been a levy supporter in Fairfield for many years, since her oldest child, who graduated last year, was in kindergarten. She also has two children still attending Fairfield High School.

She and others gathered 1,726 signatures in late June to put on the ballot six issues — each which would decrease a levy by the minimum amount allowable by law, 0.01 mills. The effort by levy supporters came after hearing speculation that Citizens for Accountability and Results in Education was making a push to reduce the levies — which generate $25.2 million annually for the Fairfield City School District — by much more. Attempted levy reductions can be done only once every five years. I get it. This is an attempt by pro-tax people to shaft the anti-tax folks.

Conservative Fairfield residents should vote YES on Issues 24 through 29.

The reporter is right on the money about the lack of publicity given these issues. That report was dated September 29th. I didn't even know they were going to be on the ballot...