Tuesday, October 18, 2005

RON Polling

Eric Kephas asked about polling numbers for the Reform Ohio Now issues. I hadn't heard any at the time but have finally got around to doing some research on it and have found very little; but what I have found has been encouraging.

First up, there is this write-up from one of the Kossacks up in Cleveland. He says that the Columbus Dispatch ran a poll in which only the bogus campaign finance reform issue received over 50%.

I see this statement in an unrelated article about Issue 1:
A Dispatch Poll in late September showed Issue 2 passing by a 43-point margin.
Issue 2 is the no reason absentee ballot initiative that would allow people to vote more than once.

Here is a Cincinnati Enquirer article about a Columbus Dispatch poll:
The poll, conducted across the state by mail Sept. 22-29, asked 1,325 registered voters about the proposals. The margin of error was 2.6 percentage points.

One respondent worried whether the proposal on legislative redistricting would affect her school-district boundaries. Another opposed the item lowering contribution limits because "politicians make enough money."

More than one-third of respondents said they were undecided on the redistricting issue, and 20 percent were undecided on the creation of the elections panel.

Four of the items - all but the tech and road construction bond package - are backed by a Democratic and union-led coalition called Reform Ohio Now. Those measures are opposed by a Republican-leaning group called Ohio First.

Poll results showed support ranging between 56 percent and 70 percent for the bond package [Issue 1 - MATT], the vote-by-mail measure [Issue 2 - MATT] and the proposal to lower campaign spending limits [Issue 3 - MATT].
Numbers reported by SwingStateProject:
Issue 2: Vote By Mail
For 68%
Against 28%
Undecided 7%

Issue 3: Reducing Campaign Contribution Limits
For 70%
Against 15%
Undecided 15%

Issue 4: Nonpartisan Redistricting
For 26%
Against 38%
Undecided 36%

Issue 5: Role of the Secretary of State in Ohio
For 42%
Against 37%
Undecided 20%
Again, this poll was taken in late Septemeber. I haven't seen anybody quote any other poll. And I am not real sure about these numbers anyway as the site that Swing State uses as a source doesn't have the numbers and there is no link on either site that takes us to the poll information itself.