Monday, October 17, 2005

Russia, North Korea and Iran

Dan over at Wizblog links to this piece in the Telegraph (UK) and asks:
What diplomatic or economic price or international sanction will there be for Russia for helping two rogue states get together to increase the killing capacity of the one partner that has already stated its intention to nuke Israel, presumably as soon as they can? Thought so.
Let's see what exactly the Telegraph is charging:
Former members of the Russian military have been secretly helping Iran to acquire technology needed to produce missiles capable of striking European capitals.

The Russians are acting as go-betweens with North Korea as part of a multi-million pound deal they negotiated between Teheran and Pyongyang in 2003. It has enabled Teheran to receive regular clandestine shipments of top secret missile technology, believed to be channelled through Russia.
That in and of itself is pretty serious stuff but check this out:
Western intelligence officials believe that the technology will enable Iran to complete development of a missile with a range of 2,200 miles, capable of hitting much of Europe. It is designed to carry a 1.2-ton payload, sufficient for a basic nuclear device.

The revelation raises the stakes in the confrontation between Iran's Islamic regime and the West - led by the United States and European countries including Britain.
I think Russia, North Korea and Iran should be referred to the UN Security Council... What? Russia is still on it? Well, so much for a "world community" response. I guess we better tuck our heads back in the sand.

This is France, Germany, Russia and Iraq all over again. And I suspect we will face similar results. You just can't count on a nation on the bad guy's payroll to do the right thing...