GDub--The only way to protect our security is for the US to lead
Darn right, George, now get to it.
GDub now goes into his usual opening regarding national security--telling the story of how we were drawn into the GWOT--yes, we know it, but maybe the 1000th time will finally get it into the lefty clueless Dems head about what is going on.
GDub--Far from being a hopeless dream...freedom is the great story of our time..." A few democracies to 122. Iraqis marking liberty....
You see, Dems, back when Truman was President, you would be cheering stuff like you find yourself rooting against the spread of freedom...Of course, you still don't get it.....
Doug noticed that Bush did not mention China in his nations that need to advance to democracy...interesting...
9:18pm--"We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it."
Hear that, Libs?
"We cannot find security by abandoning our commitments and retreating to our borders....they would simply move the battlefield to our own honor in our retreat..." Bush then NAMES radical Islam as the enemy...Good stuff there...
"We will not retreat from the world...and will not surrender to evil." As opposed to the Murtha/Pelosi plan of cut and run, mind you, of course....
"America rejects the false comfort of isolationism..." --Hear that, Pat Buchanan and paleocons? Freedom is on the march!
9:22pm--GDub still talking about Iraq and the GWOT. I think this is a bold move, to get the big applause lines out of the way before he introduces his rather sketchy "Demand-side" conservative domestic policies....
"We are winning!" Yes, Jack Murtha and Co., we are winning!
"The road of VICTORY is the road that will take our troops home..." Hear that..."Those decisions will be made by military commanders, not politicians in Washington DC" (even if they have 3 purple hearts, Mr. Kerry!)
9:24pm--"2nd guessing is not a strategy..." Take that, Pelosi and Co.
"A sudden withdrawal would abandon our Iraqi allies."
"However we feel about the debates of the past...we must stand behind the American military in this vital mission..." You know, and like not say that they are broken down and busted and stuff, Mr. Murtha.
9:26pm--letter from Dan Clay, killed last month in Iraq "I know what honor is...I faced death secure in the knowledge you didn't have to. " Staff Sgt. Clays family guests of President. He welcomes them. Truly a national hero, Staff Sgt. Clay, unlike the disgrace to her son's memory, Cindy Sheehan.
9:29pm--"Ultimately the ONLY way to defeat the to offer the hopeful alternative of political freedom and peaceful change...America...supports the spread of freedom." I am smelling a referral to Hamas's rise coming....
Yep! He just called Hamas out saying they must recognize Israel, disarm, and work for lasting peace...yep, good luck with that one, GDub!
9:30pm--Liberty is right and hope of ALL HUMANITY! GDub now calling out Iran and saying that Iran is defying the world, and that the nations of the world must not permit Iran to gain nukes....Do I smell some saber rattling? Does this not sound familiar? Is this not a challenge to the UN to actually, you know, like do something?
9:31pm--9Bush reaches out to Iranian citizens and says we hope for a free and Democratic Iran, that our disagreement is not with them....Can you say fomenting insurrection? I know you can...
9:32pm--Bush makes the false allusion to poverty and terrorism...check out Miniter's Disinformation for the studies that debunk that poverty causes terror....Sorry, Mr. President, but you are incorrect on this one....
9:34pm--defending the NSA program, says that his power is in the Constitution and by statute, talks of how other Presidents have used this authority....hitting them in the guts, smacking them around...beating their butts....Dems are bleeding in the corner...and now the uppercut--We will not wait to be hit again! Doug offers "right along party lines on those reacts...well, uh...duh!
"Leaders from Roosevelt to Kennedy to Reagan rejected isolationism...America is safer when freedom is on the march..." Amen, brother...
Bush reaches out and asks for bipartisan support at the 9:37pm mark...good luck with getting it....these clowns are drinking the Kos Aid.
9:37pm--Now, for the domestic agenda--America has produced more new jobs in the last four years than Japan and the European Union combined!!!! So much for worst economy since the great Depression, eh?
"We are seeing old temptation return...protectionism...centralizing power and increasing taxes....immigrants bad for the economy...." But then, he loses me. He kowtows to the immigrant lobby by saying the economy could not function without them. This says that he is going to be weak on immigration...ugh....
NOTE TO THE AUDIENCE: AT THE 9:42PM mark, fellow blogger Tom called and our coverage was shot to heck for about 2 minutes...sorry for the lag, folks....Love ya, Tom my friend!
9:43pm--Democrats applaud the fact they did not act to save Social Security! Did you see that, America? They don't want to do anything. They are the party of NO! They care only for obstructionism. Bush calls for another (ugh) Blue Ribbon committee to look at the baby boom retirement issue. Come on, just ram it through. For the love of Pete, we know how these commissions work....didn't anyone get the Hannity memo? Come on now!
9:46pm--Pipe Dream of Guest Worker Program that rejects amnesty....good luck with that one, Mr. President!
Is it just me, or is Hillary Clinton a self-serving, self-righteous, not caring about the security of her own state to get her nomination jackass who needs a sense of humor? Just checking....
9:47pm--Bush makes push for medical liability reform...Good luck with that AND the line item veto....
9:48pm--"America addicted to way to break addiction is through technology." Oh boy, here we go. He is going greenie on me. Advanced Energy Iniative--more investment in solar and wind, clean coal,and nuke energy. Matt will like that last one.
Mr. President, didn't you say something about not spending so much, being more thrifty? Uh, where is the money coming from? Huh?
Ahh, ethanol, the Jean Schmidt fuel....great. Now he is taking her advice. Wonderful...NOT!
9:50pm--American Competitive Initiative--oh boy, sounds like more education dept. earmarks in the ol budget. Uh, what was that about being more fiscally constrained? Holy crap! Where is the money coming from? What about the deficit?
I mean, I want to lead in innovation, but for the love of mike, we don't need government support, just get government the heck out!
More math and science...oh yeah, great! But they don't know jack about the Constitution or civics....great, guess I won't be getting any new teaching offers. More emphasis on math, less on developing something other than human calculators....great. It has done SOOOOOOOOO much good over the last few we fall further behind....Whatever.
This speech began with a bang, had some good rimshots, but the domestic agenda really has me bummed. Really....
9:52pm--That's Alito, Senator Kennedy, as in Justice Sam Alito! Put that in your bottle and drink it...
Mary Jo could not be reached for comment.
9:56pm--Oh no, the swing voter is gone....darn, the Dems look absolutely crestfallen. Bye Sandy, we got someone with spine now....
9:57pm--Bush talking about medical ethics. He is strong on this. Opposed to cloning and splcing of human/animal DNA. Does not want embryos created for purpose of just research.
9:59pm--must not betray the public trust, must reform system. Dems give sarcastic cheers. Let me remind you of the list of corruption, and what about that Indian money, Senator Reid?
10pm--American Youth Initiative--Cheap pops for 1st Lady Laura Bush...Notice how classy she is, how she stays in the background, does not push for the money shots? See, Clintonites, that is what a 1st Lady SHOULD be. Not a self-serving synchopant, but enough about Madam Pantsuit.
10:01pm--Katrina stuff. Confronting challenges. Citizens feeling excluded. Schools that teach every child. More business opportunities....Let's work for the day when all Americans are protected by justice ....
Mr. President, we are there.
So, now the new catchphrase is the "Hopeful Society". I guess ownership doesn't work since government is going to be spending all this fragging money that we don't have!!!!!!!!
10:02pm--"Time of Choosing"
We must decide, turn back or finish well. I guess our President has chosen, and it is more spending, less savings, continue the war on terror, but allow anyone and their mother to come in illegally. I don't like some of those choices.
And, at 10:03pm, we are done, not sure I could stomach any more spending initiatives. Dear lord, where is that money coming from, again?
Now, the Dimocrapic Response, by the Governor of Virginia:
Hi, I'm the loser tapped for this, and I was a missionary, see, I know Jesus too, and I can make a reference to CSK as well. Federal government should serve the American people. Oh, you mean, they should nanny the American people, right? Of course you do.
America does great things when they work together. Some leaders in Washington have forgotten that. Yeah, they would be Democrats, you know, the ones who smeared a good man in Sam Alito. Now, Mr. Kean takes credit for something he didn't have anything to do with, VA's rating as being best run state. He was just sworn in.
Oh boy, the Dems are talking fiscal restraint. Egads, Pot, meet kettle. What-the-hell-ever.
Could someone change the playbook? Now we are back to talking about the false surplus we had ON PAPER ONLY in terms of spending back when Bubba was letting bin Laden and co. plan 9/11 and gut our military.
Assault on NCLB--wreaking havoc on local unions, er, I mean schools. Come on now. Who wrote this clown's speech, John Kerry's campaign advisor?
Same crap, different day. Blah de blah blah. We have a plan, but we don't know what it is.
In VA, In VA, In VA. Wait, did he say accountability leads to better test scores? Isn't that what Bush has pushed? Hmmm? More doublespeak. This guy reads like the Geico fake president from two years ago that used to hang out with the Gecko.
Thank you very much to Mr. Roboto. Man, I thought Pelosi's botox look and permanent smile looked fake. This dude looks made of plastic.
Dude lies--every American supports the troops? WTC seared into minds? Hello?!? If that is the case, then why is the Patriot Act not renewed? Are the President's policies the best way to win the war? YES!
Oh boy, more myths on BUSH LIED!(TM) and no body armor. Have these people not visited Or maybe they need the Mythbusters from the Discovery Channel? They talk about giving the troops what they need, but these are the same people who voted for it before they voted against it.
Basic bottom line: there is a better way according to Democrats--let Saddam still put women in woodchippers, let al Queda talk freely to sleeper agents in America, build back up the Gorelick wall, and take a see no evil attitude, while keeping terrorism a "nuisance."
Same old playbook, same old crap. Is this 1969 or is it 2006? They talk about service...who was served by calling for a filibuster on Alito beside NARAL? Who was served by fillibustering a good man like Chuck Pickering? Who was served by letting Osama go four times? Who was served by leaking national security secrets? Who was served by defaming our troops as Nazis and Pol Pots (Dick Durbin)? Service indeed. This governor is a clown.
The Democrats are clowns. I pray for the day that Democrats remember that they are Americans and that America will only do better if first we defend what we have to go forward.
This governor sounded like a jackball and a total retread. The calls for unity were a joke, especially when he basically led the speech with BushLied(tm).!
The President led off with his best stuff--foreign policy, spreading freedom, being a revolutionary for freedom loving people around the world. He then moved into his next best stuff--the judiciary, reforming government. He ended, however, with his worst stuff-spending like a felon with a stolen credit card, etc.
The President ably reported and justified (for the 1000th time) the war against Iraq, threw down the gauntlet on NSA intercepting, as well as getting in a few quips about the Supreme Court and reforming social security.
As with most SOTU speeches, it was not the President's best work, but it was passable, and far more better delivered and written than the Dimocrapic response.