Bill "Darth Halliburton" Kristol says it best--Conservatives are not happy with this speech, with the new spending initiatives. Contrasts Rove fighting speech with Bush's speech tonight. Has Bush internalized notion that Bush can't be combative?
In my opinion, if this is the case, then Bush has become a lame duck.
Barnes gets a chance to plug his book, Rebel In Chief, which I just finished reading and will be reporting on. Barnes sees this as typical of his rebellious and demandside conservative side. Barnes not impressed with Bush's language in terms of being harsh with Iran.
I agree with Fred--the best part was the foreign policy part.
Mort yaks about the election, but makes a valid point. Bush has laid a trap. By talking in his way, Bush has said, either you are with me or you are for isolationism, for retreat. Very interesting, indeed. I think maybe there is some Rove a Dope,or at least I hope so.